LISS panel Grant 2024: results announced

ODISSEI has announced the results of the 2024 LISS panel Grant call. A total of 37 applications were submitted, of which nine projects have been awarded funding. The proposals were evaluated by an interdisciplinary review committee, which ranked the applications based on the four evaluation criteria outlined in the call for proposals. The committee praised the overall quality of this year’s submissions, which testifies to the quality of the ODISSEI research community.

Researchers from the selected projects will have the opportunity to conduct their data collection in the LISS panel for free. Additionally, one project has been granted access to CBS microdata, allowing for an expanded scope of research. After data collection in the LISS panel, these datasets will be linked to the CBS microdata. The combined analysis of both data sources will offer enhanced research and analytical possibilities.

The awarded projects address a wide range of topics, including inequality, the pressures of parenthood and parenting models, perceptions of part-time employment, smartphone use and addiction, and memory decline. While some studies opt for survey questions, others apply more complex modes of data collection or implement experimental designs. For an overview of all awarded projects, please see here.

For researchers interested in fielding their studies in the LISS panel, ODISSEI will offer another opportunity to apply in the Call for Proposal later this spring (with the closing in mid-September). As in previous years, next to the LISS panel time, we will offer one grant to expand the data collection with free access to CBS microdata.