The annual ODISSEI LISS panel grant call offers financing for data collection via the LISS panel. In the 2023 round of the Call for Proposals we have received 34 applications. In total, eight proposals can be granted: six regular LISS panel grants and two grants for projects that will combine the LISS panel data collection with access to the CBS microdata.
Every researcher affiliated with one of the ODISSEI member organisations can apply for the LISS panel grant. Early career researchers in particular are encouraged to submit their proposal. All submissions are subject to an eligibility check to assess whether the proposal meets the conditions specified for the call. Subsequently, an independent and interdisciplinary assessment committee will evaluate the proposals. The Management Board of ODISSEI will take the final decision regarding the awarded grants.
We would like to thank all researchers for sending in their proposals and we congratulate all researchers who received this years grant. In the unfortunate case your proposal was not granted, we would like to point out that researchers from ODISSEI member organisations receive a discount for data collection projects in the LISS panel.
More information about the ODISSEI LISS panel Grants 2023 can be found at the ODISSEI website.